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About Me

Sales Leader and Strategist

After 20+ years of being in the sales profession and 10+ years in sales leadership, there have been patterns that have emerged which have been proven to drive and scale revenue within organizations. I work with C-level executives and founders to understand their “real” current state and map out an iterative process to scale the sales organization based on agreed-upon goals. Here are 4 high-level pillars we work on to scale the sales organizations (these pillars build on each other):

1. Setting Expectations:

This first item is the most important item – if unrealistic expectations are being set with either the sales team or the executive team it will be almost impossible to hit your goals.

✔ Including hiring and on-boarding of your sales team

2. Data-Driven Decision:

It is surprising how many organizations are managing the company by “gut” feel. I recommend that you get a handle on the following data points:

💲 Close Rate
💲 Deal Velocity
💲 Average Deal Size
💲 Churn Rate

3. Sales Pipeline:

This is not just a pure numbers game, we are talking about a “real” pipeline – the health of your organization will be based on your pipeline

✔Example – If your close rate is 25% then you will need at least 4 times your revenue target as pipeline

4. Align with the Buyers:

This is where many organizations struggle, they are so focused on their sales process and the features/functionality of their product that they forget the customer

✔Additionally, this is not a one-time process, this pillar needs to be revisited often as an organization scales and markets shift.

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